Triangle Symbol



$130,000 Usd

Symbol of perfect harmony, factor of conservation and natural progress between all leaving things

AzulRE | Azul Real Estate
AzulRE | Azul Real Estate

Unique Experience

- Pool
- Sundeck
- Equipment Area
- Sky Bar
- Gardens

Sky Bar
Panoramic Pool
AzulRE | Azul Real Estate
AzulRE | Azul Real Estate
AzulRE | Azul Real Estate

Perfect Location

Located at 5 min from cenotes, and from Tulum town, 10 min from the beach. It offers a shelter within this developing city

AzulRE | Azul Real Estate AzulRE | Azul Real Estate

Awake Your Awareness

The Magic Of A Place That Received And Transform Soul Searching Minds. Energies That Encounter Perfect Shelter To Heal The Body, To Wake Up Minds, And Develop New Ideas, Create Dreams

AzulRE | Azul Real Estate
AzulRE | Azul Real Estate



22.5 Millions

Tourists | Visitors

4.6 %

Annual Growth

83 %

Average Occupancy

$150-$300 Usd

Average Night Cost

Quintana Roo

State with one of the best Return of Investment, Low Risk and Capital Gains in the World, this makes Tulum one of the Favorite Cities for Local and International Investors to Acquire Properties.

Savings  Invest

Invest your money instead of saving it, enjoy your property and rent it when you don't occupy it, the rental admin will do it for you. This will generate a passive income and better capital gains.

For a Property valued
$130,000 Usd
you could get an Annual Return of Investment of at least
$13,000 Usd

Start Today

We will advise and help you step by step until you acquire the best property for your future

AzulRE | Azul Real Estate

Aplication Form

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Looking to buy for?

Preferred City?

Property Size?

Reference Cost
$100-$150k Usd = Studio | 1 BR

Aprox. Budget?

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Thanks for contacting Us. We will send the project information shortly, if You're currently within the Region and would like to see projects, please notify us by WhatsApp or Text to prioritize..

With these info, in addition to this property, we will attach opportunities in Riviera Maya that are perfect for your profile.